Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Baguio Delicacy

Baguio City is the most popular souvenir items or food  in the Philippines. Because of the abundance of strawberry in there province they begin to make is as a jam.
Strawberries are very good for skin . It is very good for balancing the PH level of skin . The skin which shows pale color strawberry mask repair it. Skin get glow and pink texture after using strawberry mask . paste of strawberry with its seeds is a very good scrub for skin.The phenol in strawberry is very effective for skin it repairs tan skin ,It reduce acne spots , it reduce freckles on skin and nourishes elastic collagen cells of the outer layer of the face skin.Because people love jam they think that is hard to make.It is easy to make your own strawberry jam.

How to make strawberry jam:

You’ll need:
  • One big, deep stew pot (like a two-gallon pot)
  • One big, deep saucepan
  • Two medium-sized glass jars with metal lids or three to five smallish jars. These can be any kind of jars: old salsa jars, old jelly jars, pickle jars, anything at all. (Because I’m a hoarder, I scour garage sales for vintage canning jars, which look extra authentic and adorable when you give jam as a gift.)
  • Two pounds of fresh strawberries
  • Two cups of sugar. White or raw sugar works best.
  • One lemon 
 1. Wash your strawberries and hull them (cut off the green part on top, so nothing but fruit remains).
 2. Dump them all in your blender. Add about a cup of water.
 3. Blend on high until you have liquid strawberries.
 4. Pour the liquid strawberries into your saucepan. Add the two cups of sugar and the juice from one lemon. (You can squeeze the lemon by hand.)
 5. Turn the stove on medium heat and boil the mixture for 30-45 minutes. Stir this often—you don’t want the jam to burn to the bottom of the pan!
 6. While you’re stirring and skimming foam, wash your glass jars and lids. Fill your big stew pot with water almost to the top. Put the stove flame on high, drop your jars and lids into the water, and boil them for 10 minutes in a rolling boil. This is so we can sterilize the jars, keeping nasty things
7. You’ll know the jam is nearly ready when the color changes from light pink to a rich, deep red and the boiling noises start to sound a little…different. Instead of the wet noise of strawberry juice boiling, you’ll start to hear the jam go “blorp” and “pop.” The jam is getting thicker and losing liquid, so it’s making grosser noises. Keep stirring!like mold from spoiling your jam.
 8. Carefully take the jars out of the boiling water. Don’t touch the inside of the jars or the inside of the lids, that’s how bacteria/mold gets in! You can dump out the water into the sink and wait for the sides of the jar to be cool enough to grab and lift out, use tongs, or use a clean, folded paper towel to handle. And pour the hot jam into the jars. Fill them almost completely up to the top. Leave about a half-inch of room.
 9. Put the lids on really, really tight, then flip the jars upside down on a clean kitchen towel for 10 minutes. This seals them.

And when you are ready for your sandwich just spread it and you will experience that you just in Baguio in the Philippines.

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